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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Deployment

Provide ARM build support

With this change, the Studio Client image can be build natively on ARM. There is currently no base-image available from the CoreMedia DockerHub registry but if you manage your NginX base images yourself, you can set the following Docker buildx build argument to build on ARM.


In addition to the Studio Client build, the Docker Compose setup has been restuctured slightly:

  • the mysql and mongo images are no longer build during the compose setup, instead the default images from dockerhub are being used and config is mounted.

  • the nginx base image for the overview container is now configurable

To make use of the local ARM containers, add the following environment variable to your .env file in the workspace:


To build CoreMedia Java based applications for ARM, you will have to wait until the coremedia/java-application-base and the coremedia/solr-base images on DockerHub have images for ARM as well.


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