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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Update of Google Analytics Connector to Google Analytics 4

As Google Universal Analytics will be discontinued from 1. July 2023 on, the CoreMedia Google Analytics Connector is updated to use the Google Analytics 4 API, see GA4 Documentation .

Some features have changed or are not supported by Google Analytics 4 anymore and therefore have changed in the CoreMedia integration:

Studio :

  • A fix drilldown Url from content to the analytics report for the specific content is not available anymore. The link points to the reports overview now.

Tracking/CAE :

  • The metric "unique pageviews" is not available anymore. A custom client side solution can be implemented as a workaround but is not provided by the CoreMedia extension. See GA4 documentation .

  • The advertising feature plugin is now controlled by configuring Google Signals, either via Google UI or via setting "disableAvertisingFeaturesPlugin". See GA4 documentation .

  • Custom tracker names are not supported anymore. If the data should be tracked to multiple properties, this can be configured for the tracking call. See GA4 documentation .

Retrieval/Elastic Worker,Studio

Required update steps

  • A Google Analytics 4 property with read permission for the Google service account.

  • The authentication mechanism for data retrieval has changed. A json auth file must be downloaded from the Google service account and configured in the content.

  • Property names and values for tracking and retrieval have changed and need to be adapted in the content.

  • Configuration of custom event properties in the Google Analytics UI.

Please consult the CoreMedia Analytics Connectors manual and the Google Analytics 4 documentation for details.


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