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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Expose SolrQueryBuilders as Beans for Plugins

In order to enable customizations of the search via plugin extension points, it was necessary to expose the so called SolrQueryBuilders as beans for plugins. As a consequence, SolrQueryBuilder had to be refactored to prevent circular bean dependencies with other search related extension points.

Customizations which extend or use instances of SolrQueryBuilder must be adapted, as one constructor parameter and one getter was removed. The 'filterQueryDefinitionMap', previously provided by the now removed getter, is now provided as a regular SpringBean. In case the 'filterQueryDefinitionMap' was consumed, it has to be provided via Spring injection instead.

If neither SolrQueryBuilder was adapted, nor its getter getFilterQueryDefinitionMap() was used, this change is considered nonbreaking !

For details about the new exposed 'beans for plugins', please see the Headless Manual.


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