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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Strict Signature of Content Initializers

The Content Initializer API has been stated more formally precise by specifying the initializer function signature as a TypeScript type (content: Content) => void . This concerns the following methods in IEditorContext ( @coremedia/studio-client.main.editor-components/sdk/IEditorContext ) and IContentTypeContext ( @coremedia/studio-client.cap-base-models/content/IContentTypeContext ):

  • registerContentInitializer()

  • extendContentInitializer()

  • getContentInitializer()

  • lookupContentInitializer()

If adhering to the documentation of these methods, your client code should already have the required function signature. If not, it should be easy to adapt by changing your function signature accordingly or by using an adapter arrow function like this:

(content: Content) => { this.myContentInitializer(content) }


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