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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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The disableInheritance and defaultInheritance flags for pagegrid of non augmented categories and products work now as intended

In the pagegrid layout document the disableInheritance flag is used to disable the inheritance and the defaultInheritance flag to change the default inheritance. This feature works now also for the non-augmented commercial categories and products. This is fixed for studio, headless server and cae. To that end com.coremedia.blueprint.base.pagegrid.ContentBackedPageGridService is extended by following public API methods:

  • ContentBackedPageGrid getContentBackedPageGrid(Content content, boolean virtual);

  • ContentBackedPageGrid getContentBackedPageGrid(Content content, String pageGridName, boolean virtual);

  • ContentBackedPageGrid getContentBackedPageGrid(Content content, String pageGridName, TreeRelation<Content> treeRelation, boolean virtual);


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