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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Studio Client

Fixed CVE-2023-28154

Fixed CVE-2023-28154 by upgrading webpack to version 5.76.1.


Delegation of Article Title to Teaser Title Re-Enabled

The delegation of the article title to the teaser title has been re-enabled. If the teaser title is empty, the article title will be used.

This aligns with the re-introduced delegation of teaser text via CKEditor5RichTextPropertyFieldDelegatePlugin .


CKEditor 4/5: Adjust Up- and Downgrade Information

Some examples in Studio Developer Manual for up- and downgrading CKEditor 4 vs. CKEditor 5 referred to blueprintVersion , whereas corresponding artifacts are shipped as part of the CoreMedia Studio Client release. Corresponding artifact coordinates got adapted accordingly.


CKEditor 5

Fixed menu clipping of CKEditor 5 if style panel is collapsed.


CKEditor 5: Fixed Possibly Mixed Up Markup Property Values From Different Documents

When accessing multiple documents in parallel in CoreMedia Studio, it may have occurred, that one documents gets opened with Markup values from another document opened in parallel. In parallel, the affected document also got checked-out, so that in the end editors may accidentally persist the mixed up Markup to the affected document.

This behavior has been fixed.

An update is recommended, as subsequent editorial actions may cause corrupted data.


OpenPremularAction: New PremularConfiguration focusPropertyField

OpenPremularAction ( @coremedia/studio-client.ext.form-services-toolkit/actions/OpenPremularAction ) uses the new property focusPropertyField of PremularConfiguration ( @coremedia/studio-client.form-models/premular/PremularConfiguration ) to make the property field with the given name visible after opening / focusing the Premular's document tab. This includes switching to the correct property tab and expanding any surrounding field groups and the property field itself. The full property field name must be used, i.e. including the "properties." prefix.


Embedded images in richtext are now referenced by relative URI

Images embedded in richtext were rendered with an URI relative to the host which caused issues with local development setups were Studio was running with a context (e.g. localhost/studio). Now images embedded in richtext are rendered with a relative URI.


Change in Data Types / Flavors of Drag Data and Clipboard Items

Previously, when dragging/dropping and copy/pasting remote beans like content items and users/groups, the drag/drop events' dataTransfer property and the items (IClipboardItem) of the clipboard contained a "cm/uri-list" type/flavor (containing a list of {$Ref: uri} objects). This is now deprecated. Instead we now support different flavors with more specific context:

"cm-studio-rest/uri-list": a list the remote bean URIs as understood by the Studio Rest service

"cm-content/uuid-list": a list of content UUIDs as understood by the content server

"cm-member/uuid-list": a list of user/group UUIDs as understood by the user managemenr server


Content Hub Pagination: getChildren() call triggered too many times.

A bug has been fixed which triggered the getChildren() call too many times when using pagination in the Content Hub.


CKEditor 5 now ignores images with empty xlink-href attribute

CKEditor 5 now ignores images with empty xlink-href attribute and displays them as broken images.


EditorType in TeaserOverlayContainer fixed

The TeaserOverlayContainer now passes the editorType property to the underlying RichTextPropertyField .


Removed "manageHeight" setting from document forms

Removed manageHeight setting from DetailsDocumentForm and PersonDetailsDocumentForm to fix layout issues


Fixed documentation of configuration in jangaroo.config.js

Parts of the documentation contained wrong or outdated configuration options for jangaroo.config.js, e.g. additionalCssNonBundle. This has been fixed now.


Simplify Configuration for Local Studio Client Development against Server with Custom Path Prefix

For Studio Client development using pnpm ... start with a proxyTargetUri containing a non-empty path prefix ( ), previously, you had to change the default for proxyPathSpec from /rest/ to /rest and use a proxyTargetUri without a trailing slash. Any other configuration would result in errors. To simplify the configuration for such setups and at the same time be backwards-compatible, the values for proxyTargetUri und proxyPathSpec are now robust against presence of a trailing slash. In practice, this means you can always keep the default for proxyPathSpec ( /rest/ ) and it does not matter whether your proxyTargetUri ends with a slash or not.


Fixed Renaming in Library

Fixed blocked renaming selection via mouse in the library, caused by drag and drop plugin.


Fixed Locale Switcher Workflow Action

Fixed issue for the locale switcher where the action for starting a workflow wasn't shown for content items without a parent representation in their master site.


Fixed Issues Tooltip

Added missing linebreaks in issues tooltip.


SASS file check in jangaroo build does now respect custom SASS Namespace

In case a custom sass namespace was set in the jangaroo.config.js of a package the SASS file check might have reported a false positive about unused sass files inside the package. This has been fixed now.


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