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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Content Application Engine

cae-base-lib: Introducing ReservedClassToElementFilter and Aligned with Headless-Server and CKEditor 5

The cae-base-lib ships with a new filter for CoreMedia RichText 1.0, that covers typical mappings of HTML elements to rich text and vice versa.

Follow Section, “cae-base-lib: Introducing ReservedClassToElementFilter and Aligned with Headless-Server and CKEditor 5” for upgrade information.


Spring Bean Type Refinement

The Spring bean throttlingBlobTransformer in BlobTransformerConfiguration#BlobTransformerInternalConfiguration is now exposed by its concrete type ThrottlingBlobTransformer for technical reasons. This makes injections of type BlobTransformer possibly ambiguous in project code. For backward compatible behaviour, use the concrete type ThrottlingBlobTransformer or the exact name throttlingBlobTransformer to inject this bean.


BlueprintLinksServicesConfiguration#contentLinkBuilder now Correctly uses sitesService as Bean Name

Adding a second bean of type com.coremedia.cap.multisite.SitesService prevented the CAE from starting because BlueprintLinksServicesConfiguration#contentLinkBuilder used a wrong bean name for the SitesService bean. It now uses the correct bean name sitesService .


Fix and Deprecate Method TransformImageService#getTransformationString

The method com.coremedia.cap.transform.TransformImageService#getTransformationString(...) has been changed to return null for non-existing blobs instead of throwing a NullPointerException. Further the method has been marked as deprecated for removal because it was not intended to be public API.


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