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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Core

CAE Feeder Database Locking Changes

The CAE Feeder stores information in the database table pclocks to detect configuration errors, where another application unexpectedly uses the same database schema. The implementation of this check and the database table definition has changed with the new release. The database table is automatically adapted. No additional action is required. However please note, that it is not possible to start a CAE Feeder of a previous release on the database after the new CAE Feeder has adapted the database tables.


Upgrade to Solr 9

The search engine was updated from Solr 8.11.2 to Solr 9.2.1. Alongside, a new coremedia/solr-base Docker image with tag 2.0-cm-9.2.1 was released.

Follow Section, “Upgrade to Solr 9” for upgrade information.


New Recommended Final Action For Localization Workflows: CleanInTranslationFinalAction

For all localization workflows, we offer a new FinalAction for cleaning up the in-translation state for involved contents early, thus, earlier than done by CleanInTranslation scheduled task.

Follow Section, “New Recommended Final Action For Localization Workflows: CleanInTranslationFinalAction” for upgrade information.


Public API Changes in LdapUserProvider

The internal caching of the LdapUserProvider had a major design issue and has therefore been reimplemented. It is now based on Caffeine Cache. The reimplementation implied some changes of the public API:

Follow Section, “Public API Changes in LdapUserProvider” for upgrade information.


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