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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Third-Party Update: pnpm to version 7

You now need at least pnpm 7.1.5 to build the frontend workspace and the studio-client. Please take note of the list of changes here

In order to upgrade pnpm to 7.x use the following command:

npm install -g pnpm@7

A notable mention is the removal of double dashes when passing parameters to scripts. This has some implications to the order arguments like "--filter" which now needs to be passed before the actual script name that is to be executed, e.g. :

pnpm -r run watch --filter "@coremedia-blueprint/" -- --recursive --skipInitialBuild

now needs to be:

pnpm -r --filter "@coremedia-blueprint/" run watch --recursive --skipInitialBuild

The documentation was adjusted accordingly.


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