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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Public API Changes in LdapUserProvider

The internal caching of the LdapUserProvider had a major design issue and has therefore been reimplemented. It is now based on Caffeine Cache. The reimplementation implied some changes of the public API:

The following methods do not declare (and throw) checked exceptions any longer, but throw wrapping RuntimeExceptions instead. If you have overridden these methods in a custom UserProvider, please change the signatures accordingly.

  • LdapUserProvider#makeUser(LdapUserProvider.ExtendedSearchResult)

  • LdapUserProvider#makeGroup(LdapUserProvider.ExtendedSearchResult)

  • LdapUserProvider#getUserFromLdap

  • LdapUserProvider#getGroupFromLdap

The following methods have no invalidate argument any longer, because the LdapUserProvider does no longer cache at this level. If you use these methods in a custom UserProvider, delete the argument from the invocation. If you have overridden these methods, assume that invalidate is always true , and adjust the signature and implementation accordingly.

  • LdapUserProvider#getAttributes(String, String[])

  • LdapUserProvider#getMemberFromLdap

  • LdapUserProvider#getMembersFromLdap(String, String[])

  • LdapUserProvider#retrieveUserFromLdap

  • LdapUserProvider#retrieveGroupFromLdap


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