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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Studio Client

Added missing favicon in Workflow App

Missing workflow favicon has been added.


Problems starting (remote) apps with devDependencies

Only relevant when using the experimental custom apps feature: Packages not located in the workspace are downloaded from an NPM registry. If this is the case for an app and the package contains "devDependencies" the studio-client could not be started.


Fixed An Issue Where Drag&Drop Between Content App and Workflow App Did Not Work

In case the apps where running via "http" and not on "localhost" drag&drop between content app and workflow app was not working.

Note: Such a setup is only recommended for testing or development purposes not for production!


Fixed Document Lifecycle Status Icon

Fixed the update of the status icon located before the locale switcher.


Fixed Notifcation Error for Custom Notifications

Fixed an error thrown by custom notifications that want to use the default notification wrapper for displaying the notification details.


Fixed Initialization of FolderChooserList

The chooser is only initialized with the calculated path if no other value was set through the bindTo expression of the component.


Fixed ItemId Formatting

Added additional check if _itemId_s have a leading number. If true, the itemId will be prefixed with id- .


Adjusted Documentation for Build with Extensions

The documentation in the README.adoc of the studio-client did not mention the flag FROZEN_GENERATED_FILES (or SKIP_GENERATE_LOCK_FILE for 2207 and below) in the docker build call for "Build with Extensions". This has been added now.


Fixed "Create From Template" Folder Initialization

Fixed issue where the base folders in the dialog have been initialized with wrong values when opened the first time.


Fixed Folder Suggestions for Content Rules

Fixed an issue where folder names have not been accepted by the rule folder suggestion component.


Workflow Window: Start Workflow Button is Disabled Until Validation is Finished

The start button of the workflow window for publication/translation was enabled when opening the window. For a large content set it might take some time until the validation finished. During the validation the button was usable but the usage of the button caused errors in the case the validation is not successfull. Now the start button is disabled and will be enabled if the validation has been completed successfully.


Fixed 'minSearchCharacters' of User Manager Search

If set to '0', the user manager now shows all users and groups immediately. This previously only worked with the workaround setting the value to '-1'.


Fixed Collapse State Handling of Form View and Preview

The collapse state of form view and preview was not restored correctly, this is fixed now.


Fix Tab Tooltips Issue

Fix issue where tab tool tips may be rendered above the tabs context menu.


Start Workflow Window: Start button is disabled during starting the workflow

In the window for starting workflows (publication/translation) the start button was in some cases enabled after the start was triggered. If an author clicked the start button multiple times problems in the server occurred. Now the start button is always disabled while the workflow is starting.


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