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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Control Surrounding Root Tag of Richtext by Query Parameter

Richtext property fields, which deliver string based content, now support the new optional Boolean parameter suppressRootTag . The parameter defaults to the value of the server config parameter caas.stax.suppressRootTag . If true , the surrounding root tag of a richtext will be parsed out. This is the new default!

Example query with the new parameter suppressRootTag

query getTransformedRichtext($aid: String!) {
  content {
    article(id: $aid) {
      detailText {
        text(suppressRootTag: false)

Update Steps

This change is considered breaking for those, who have customized the content-schema.graphql at the same property fields or who rely on the surrounding root div tag. In this case change the default of caas.stax.suppressRootTag back to false or add suppressRootTag: false to your queries as described in the example.


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