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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Headless Server

Image Hash Calculation Leads to Client-Side Caching Problems

When the changing a crop (e.g. clipping), the hash of the image did not change and as a consequence the URL also did not change anymore. This led to the problem that browser caches did not invalidate their caches. This bugfix fixes the hash calculation.


MediaController now sets Content-Disposition Header

When downloading binaries via HeadlessServers media endpoint, the HTTP header Content-Disposition is now set, when using the media endpoints with a filename.

Additionally the manual was complemented by the section 'MediaType Content Negotiation', explaining options to configure individually document types to suppress a Spring Web MVC default behaviour on potentially unsafe content types.


Changed Return Type of Authors Field to CMPerson

Changed the return type of the authors field in CMTeasable to CMPerson. This is not breaking, since the previous type was CMTeasable, which is the superclass of CMPerson.


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