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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Third-Party Update: SnakeYAML

The SnakeYAML dependency was updated to org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.33 for all applications to fix several known vulnerabilities.


Java API to Create Content with UUID

The Unified API interface com.coremedia.cap.content.create.ContentBuilder got the new method #uuid(java.lang.UUID) , which makes it possible to create Content with a predefined UUID. The API can be used in custom code, for example to preserve UUIDs when transferring content from one server to another.


CAP Connection Actuator Endpoint

Added a new Spring Boot actuator endpoint for the CapConnection with information about the configuration of the connection, and the possibility to change some properties. For more information, see the Operation Basics Manual, section "Basics of Operation | Actuator Endpoints | CapConnection Endpoint".


Add Asset Taxonomies to Plugin

Add asset taxonomies to the asset management plugin and enable find contents by taxonomy path.


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