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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Deployment

java-application-base image update

The coremedia/java-application-base image has been updated. The update includes the following fixes:

  • the /coremedia/prometheus/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar now has the correct filemode so it can be used with a different user than coremedia:1000 .

  • the environment variable SPRING_PROFILES has ben replaced with the correct environment variable SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE as SPRING_PROFILES has been deprecated by Spring. If SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE is not set the application script will first check SPRING_PROFILES as a compatibility fallback before setting the default default .

  • The environment variable ZGC to toggle the experimental Z garbage collector has been removed. This was an experimental feature.

  • There was a leftover corretto rpm binary in the corretto image that unneccessarily increased the image size. It has been removed.

  • The images had wrongly overridden the default.policy file that is shipped with the jvm distros. Instead now the JAVA_HOME/config/security/java.policy is overridden and all changes from the current included JVM will now be active.


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