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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Studio Server

Removed redundant cycle check for "DefaultTaxonomy"

The "DefaultTaxonomy" implementation contained an additional check inside the path calculation. For large amounts of taxonomies, this lead to performance issues. Since the check is already part of the "parent" calculation, this redundant and expensive check has been removed.


Fixed Dependencies of Blueprint Module ec-studio-lib

Moved code related to augmentation of commerce objects from ec-studio-lib to lc-studio-lib so that ec-studio-lib no longer depends on com.coremedia.blueprint.base:bpbase-lc-augmentation .


Issue with Rich Text Editing and Tab Reuse Fixed

An issue with the CKEditor 5, where the editor would end up in an unresponsive state regarding the CoreMedia Studio integration (such as auto-checkout), was fixed. This issue occurred while changing tabs with editors, containing the same rich text content.


Fixed duplicate forms itemId "localSettingsForm"

The document sub-form "MiscSettingsForm" has now it's own itemId called "miscSettingsForm".

(CMS-23421) property converts plain numbers to seconds again

With the release of 2304.1 a bug around the conversion of numbers of the property was introduced. Since then, when a plain number was specified for this property, it was interpreted as milliseconds instead of seconds. This bug is now fixed. A number will from now on forward be interpreted as seconds again. In case you changed a number for that property to milliseconds, convert it back to seconds, or specify the delay in ISO-8601 standard.


Corrected File Name For Downloaded Blobs From Struct Properties

Blobs downloaded from struct sub-properties now have the correct file name in the Content-Disposition-Header with correct file name ending.


Fixed Thumbnail Images For CMDownload Content Items Where Data Is Not An Image

We fixed a bug where the new picture resolving mechanism displayed broken thumbnails for content items where non-image blobs where resolved.


Taxonomy list component is cut off.

Possibly miscalculated height on taxonomy list component fixed.


Fixed Missing Label of StringListPropertyField

Changed base class of StringListPropertyField so that the property field label is shown.


Fixed LinkList Scrolling

Fixed issue with LinkList scrolling caused by tab reuse.


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