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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Log Level Change for Publication Failure

Publication failures were logged with level WARN in Content Management Server . This wrongly indicated an operational issue that would require action by the operational team, while it actually is a content issue that has to be handled by editorial staff. The log level has thus been changed to INFO . Feedback on publication failures in Studio and in command line tools remains unchanged.

If a monitoring of publication failures was established that is based on log level WARN in Content Management Server log files, this needs to be changed to filter for log level INFO and message text contents " Result of publication " and "_Cannot_execute_".

So, while the log message previously read

2022-05-20 17:52:56 [WARN]  (Publication#820 on target) cap.server.publisher [] - Result of publication '820': PublishContent[1602:3]:Cannot_execute:16 (LinkFailed)

it will now show as

2022-05-20 17:52:56 [INFO]  (Publication#820 on target) cap.server.publisher [] - Result of publication '820': PublishContent[1602:3]:Cannot_execute:16 (LinkFailed)


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