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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Studio Client

Maximum Pending Amount of Parallel Requests from studio-client to studio-server Adapted

Until now the maximum amount of pending requests from studio-client to studio-server was set to six. This limit was given by the use of HTTP/1.1. Nowadays HTTP/2 is used and with HTTP/2 the limit has increased significantly. By default the maximum amount of pending requests is now set to 50 and can be adapted by setting the property in the studio-server.


Added Promises-based Alternatives for Callback-based Studio Client API

In Studio Client's remote API, all callback-based API methods now support an alternative signature: When called without the callback argument, they return a Promise instead of void . For example, Content#rename() now has the following overloaded signatures:

Follow Section, “Added Promises-based Alternatives for Callback-based Studio Client API” for upgrade information.


TypeScript Source Code Simplifications

In the 2207 Blueprint workspace, certain TypeScript source patterns have been simplified. The changes described below can be applied automatically by a tool CoreMedia provides. To do so, make sure your CoreMedia Blueprint workspace is in a clean VCS state. Then start by enabling all extensions:

Follow Section, “TypeScript Source Code Simplifications” for upgrade information.


Third-Party Update: pnpm to version 7

You now need at least pnpm 7.1.5 to build the frontend workspace and the studio-client. Please take note of the list of changes here

Follow Section, “Third-Party Update: pnpm to version 7” for upgrade information.


Library Commerce Toolbar and Context Enhancement

The commerce toolbar and context menu have been been cleaned up from not applicable actions and the functionalities available on augmented commerce objects, together with the user interface, have been aligned between repository list and search mode .

Follow Section, “Library Commerce Toolbar and Context Enhancement” for upgrade information.


Updated Upload Components Layout

The layout of dropareas for HTML5 uploads has been updated. The bulk upload dialog, image editor and blob property field give a visual feedback now, when files are dragged into the Studio. Additionally, the drop area size for blob property fields has been increased and some labels have been changed.


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