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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Third-Party Update: Apache Tika and Transitive Dependencies

Apache Tika has been updated to version 2.7.0. As part of this change, the following transitive dependencies of Apache Tika have been updated to match versions used by Tika.

Updated dependencies:

  • Apache Tika 2.7.0

  • Apache James Mime4J 0.8.9

  • Bouncycastle 1.72

    • Artifact names have changed from *jdk15on to *jdk18on as part of this update.

  • albfernandez/juniversalchardet 2.4.0

    • This dependency replaces a previous dependency with different Maven coordinates: com.googlecode.juniversalchardet:juniversalchardet 1.0.3.

If you use these libraries in project code, please check their respective release notes for changes and upgrade information. No changes were necessary in the CoreMedia Blueprint for these updates.


Commerce Headless Schema Deprecation

Deprecated the following headless commerce augmentation calls:

  • commerce.productAugmentationBySite

  • commerce.productAugmentationByStore

  • commerce.categoryAugmentationBySite

  • commerce.categoryAugmentationByStore

  • commerce.augmentationForCommerceIdBySite

Use the corresponding augmentation calls of the content root object instead.


Updated Guava

Updated Guava from 30.1.1 to 31.1 - see Guava Releases . Please be aware of the Nullness annotations changes in version 31.0.


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