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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Fixed File Extension for MIME-Type application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master

Fixed the file extension for blobs of MIME-Type " application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-master ". The correct file extension is " .odm ". Previously, the wrong extension " .otm " was used instead.


Fixed File Extension for RAR MIME-Types

Fixed the file extension for blobs of MIME-Type " application/x-rar-compressed;version=4 " and " application/x-rar-compressed;version=5 " to be ".rar".


Fixed Missing Workflow Localizations

Added missing German texts for workflow related toast messages.


Updated Spring Framework to version 5.3.26

Updated Spring Framework to version 5.3.26 in order to mitigate CVE-2023-20860 and CVE-2023-20861.


Added Workflow Abort Action

Administrators can always abort workflows now. The action is always shown in the three-dot menu of the footer toolbar.


Fixed Workflow Steps Dialog Height

The dialog has now a max height, so that if a long list of "next step" buttons are available, their parent panel is scrollable.


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