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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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CoreMedia Core

Upgrade to Solr 9.4.0

Solr has been upgraded to release 9.4.0. This release fixes several bugs and security issues and offers new features. See for a list of changes. Alongside, a new coremedia/solr-base Docker image with tag 2.1-cm-9.4.0 was released.

Refer to previous release notes for details on how to upgrade from Solr version 8 or older (CMCC 11 2304 and prior).

With this release, configuration of a proxy in communication of clients with Solr via HTTP/2 is possible. To enable a proxy, use these new properties:

  • solr.proxy-host : Proxy host for Solr communication.

  • solr.proxy-port : Proxy port for Solr communication.

  • solr.proxy-is-socks4 : SOCKS 4 flag for Solr proxy. Default is false .

  • solr.proxy-is-secure : Secure flag for Solr proxy. Default is false .

Leaving solr.proxy-host or solr.proxy-port unset, disables proxy configuration and lets the clients communicate with Solr directly. Environment variables _HTTP_PROXY_ and _HTTPS_PROXY_ are not evaluated and thus have no effect.


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