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Release Notes / Version 11.2307

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Analytics connectors: Separate live and backend properties

Some settings for the analytics connectors can contain secret information and should not be published. Therefore these internal settings should be separated from settings, that are required on live systems and they should not be published. Internal analytics settings can be configured for a site in <site>/Options/Settings/Internal/InternalAnalyticsSettings . The containing folder <site>/Options/Settings/Internal and the path of the p12 file should be configured in the blocklist to prevent delivery of the content in headless environments.

See documentation for details.


Upgrade to Docker compose v2

Docker compose v2 is no longer a separate tool but is now a plugin to the docker binary. This change only affects the documentation of how to use the compose setup.


getReferringVersion methods have been added to Content

com.coremedia.cap.content.Content has been extended by methods starting with the prefix getReferringVersion* to retrieve referring versions similar to the existing getReferrer* methods that retrieve referring content.


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