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Blueprint Developer Manual / Version 2110

Table Of Contents Enabling Test User Profiles in the Preview CAE

To make the Test Profile Selector work, the Preview CAE is provided a special context configuration: Its ContextCollector extends all properties of the generic CAE ContextCollector, but also adds a TestContextSource (see p13n-preview-cae-context.xml in p13n-preview-cae). This TestContextSource makes contexts from Test User Profile content items available by extracting the following information from a Test User Profile:

  • Arbitrary contexts held in a plaintext blob using the PropertiesTestContextExtractor

  • Subject/Location Taxonomies determined in a Struct property using the TaxonomyExtractor

The activation of the TestContextSource is triggered by passing a special URL parameter - TestContextSource.QUERY_PARAMETER_TESTCONTEXTID - to the Preview CAE.

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