

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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New Module bpbase-querylist-impl for common Businesslogic of Querylists

A new module bpbase-querylist-impl is added, that contains helper functionality to handle businesslogic of Querylists.

Follow Section, “New Module bpbase-querylist-impl for common Businesslogic of Querylists ” for upgrade information.


Alignment of default Image Crops

While Studio aligns new image crops automatically with the focus point, the CAE used to align default crops with the center of the image. This has been changed now, and the CAE also considers the focus point for default croppings. If you prefer the old behaviour, refrain from calculating the focus point in CMPictureImpl#getTransformMap , and simply leave it at null .


Removal: Untyped ContentBeanFactory#createBean(s)For and AbstractContentBean#createBean(s)For methods

Four methods have been removed.

Follow Section, “Removal: Untyped ContentBeanFactory#createBean(s)For and AbstractContentBean#createBean(s)For methods” for upgrade information.


Removal: bp.message macros

The Freemarker Macros and Functions bp.message, bp.getMessage() and bp.hasMessage() are removed, because they are moved to the cm taglib.

Follow Section, “Removal: bp.message macros” for upgrade information.


Deprecation: Aspects have been deprecated

The package com.coremedia.cae.aspect has been deprecated. Since nowadays the contentbeans are delivered as source code and can be changed directly, there is no need for the complexity of Aspects any longer.

Follow Section, “Deprecation: Aspects have been deprecated” for upgrade information.


Removal: cae-legacy.ftl

The deprecated Freemarker Macros of cae-legacy.ftl and the CAELegacyFreemarkerFacade are removed.

Follow Section, “Removal: cae-legacy.ftl” for upgrade information.


New default value for

The for the CAE Preview app now set by default. This adds the /blueprint/servlet prefix to generated URLs. Otherwise they will not be routed correctly by Traefik.


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