

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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GraphQL Library Updated

GraphQL Java Library updated from 16.1 to Version 16.2


Adds New Endpoint to Support Filename and Extension in Media URL

Extend the Headless Server schema to provide a new URL for Blobs including the filename and extension and provide a new endpoint for those URLs.


Deprecate mergeStructsToOne Method in StructAdapter

Deprecate the mergeStructToOne method in the StructAdapter, since it should not have been in the StructAdapter in the first place.


Provide Generic Field for Retrieving in Linked Contents in Structs or Settings

Add the option to the SettingsAdapter and the StructAdapter to retrieve multiple values at ones, without wrapping them in their Structure. This supports using the GraphQL schema to build up the structure of the Setting or Struct. Furthermore it enables a generic field to retrieve contents which are linked in Structs or Settings


Additional Headless Augmentation Calls without Commerce Connection

Augmentation data for products and categories can now be retrieved from the Headless Server without an underlying commerce connection. The former augmentation queries still exist, but the new ones are preferable since there is less risk of performance issues due to a slow commerce connection. In order to get inherited augmentation data along the commerce hierarchy, the new Augmentation API requires the caller to pass in the hierarchy/breadcrumb.

The new Augmentation API can be found below the ContentRoot:

  • ContentRoot.categoryAugmentationBySite

  • ContentRoot.categoryAugmentationBySegment

  • ContentRoot.productAugmentationBySite

  • ContentRoot.productAugmentationBySegment

If you want to use the new API, make sure your Livecontext Settings contain the following information: commerce.vendor

In case of multi catalog projects a fallback commerce connection may still be necessary since catalog alias mapping needs to be resolved by the connected commerce system.


GraphQL Type PageGrid now Offers Name Property for Page Grid

GraphQL type PageGrid missed to offer the name of the page grid.


Custom Filter Queries

Custom Filter Queries are available for Search and Dynamic Query Lists now. Consult the Headless Server Manual for details.


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