

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Multiple Filter Support for Product List Documents

Product lists support multiple filters now. Existing product list documents are still compatible with the old format and API. If the commerce API supports multi filter facets, a button is shown within the editor to migrate the existing data to the new multi-facet format. After migration, the new multi facet editor will be shown where the editor can select multiple facets, depending on the category that has been linked for the product list document. It is recommended to convert existing product list contents to the new format. Also note that product lists must be checked in the Studio after being translated because not all configured search facets may be translatable.

Additionally, a new product list validator has been introduced. This validator checks if the persisted queries within the documents are still compatible to the search API of the commerce system. The Studio library can be used to search for these issues.


Validators by Plugins

So far, validators had to be declared as Spring beans in the application. Now, the validator classes Validator and CapTypeValidator are extension points, so that such validators can also be provided by plugins. For details see the documentation about validators (Studio Developer Manual / Customizing CoreMedia Studio / Server-Side Content Processing / Validators) and plugins (Blueprint Developer Manual / Blueprint Workspace for Developers / Application Plugins).


New Studio Library Filter for Issues

The filter "Issues" was added to the Studio library search filters. It can be used to search for content items with errors or warnings, if the Content Feeder has indexed these issues in Solr. Section "Searching for Content | Content Issues" in the Search Manual describes how to enable issue indexing. Note however, that search results cannot always be up-to-date for all validator types. The correct state for a content item is always visible in the Studio Form View and in the Feedback Hub.


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