

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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API to pass data to SFMC Data Extensions

We provide an API to pass data to SFMC Data Extensions. See the CoreMedia Documentation for more information.


CoreMedia Personalization for Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC)

There are new CoreMedia Personalization rules depending on SFMC journeys. Consult the studio user manual and the blueprint manual.


Deprecation: Support for JSPs is deprecated

Support for JavaServer Pages (JSPs) is deprecated for rendering with the CAE and will be removed in future releases. Use Freemarker for templates.


Allow default view fragments to be pre-fetched

In the commerce-led scenario, it is now possible to use the DEFAULT identifier to define the default view as additional view of a pre-fetch fragments call.


Removal: Module cae-performance-test

The CAE module cae-performance-test based on jmeter has been removed. We recommend to use Gatling for load tests.


Improved SettingsService Dynamic Proxies

The capabilities of the com.coremedia.blueprint.base.settings.SettingsProxy annotation have been enhanced with control over the target beans for nested proxies. For details see Javadoc.


Enabled loading of web resources from blueprint workspace in local Spring Boot apps

For the cae-live and cae-preview Spring Boot applications, the property spring.boot.tomcat.extraResources is now preconfigured with the paths to the blueprint workspace folders where web resources (Freemarker templates etc.) are located. This allows short development round trips, as these resources are loaded directly from the workspace at runtime, hence (template) changes are instantly available in the running Spring Boot applications. To avoid this behaviour for production environments, the applications must be started with the local profile. The configuration works for the applications started whether as Spring Boot application in IntelliJ or via the spring-boot-maven-plugin .


Weakened type of list parameter of ContentBeanFactory#createBeansFor and AbstractContentBean#createBeansFor methods

The type of the list parameter has been weakened from List<Content> to Iterable<? extends Content> for the following methods

  • ContentBeanFactory#createBeansFor(Iterable<? extends Content>, Class)

  • AbstractContentBean#createBeansFor(Iterable<? extends Content>, Class)


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