

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Studio fails to start if TabExpandPlugin.ADVANCED_TABS_ENABLED is set to false

If TabExpandPlugin.ADVANCED_TABS_ENABLED was set to false, the Studio app fails to start and a type error thrown in class TabExpandPluginBase was displayed in the browser console. This is fixed now.


Wrong initial checkbox state for classical switch in Studio preferences

The boolean property view/showClassicStudio in the EditorPreferences indicates the current Studio view. A value of true means classic view, and a value of false means non-classic view. If the view-struct was missing completely, the checkbox for the Studio switch was unchecked (false) in classic view. This is fixed now. The checkbox is initially checked.


Added documentation on the config option 'ckEditorValueExpression' for RichTextActions.

We added documentation on the config option 'ckEditorValueExpression' for RichTextActions.


VersionHistory component lookup functions

Fix predefined functions to lookup version history components


Fixed Faulty 'Empty Publication Set' Issue

We fixed a bug where the error issue 'Empty Publication Set' was shown for a publication workflow although the publication set was clearly not empty.


Added documentation for taxonomy folder rights

The default taxonomy implementation required folder rights for taxonomy folders. This point has been added to the documentation.


Fixed unwanted folder creation when pressing ENTER or SPACE in the Studio library

Fixed a bug in the Studio library which creates a new folder when the user presses ENTER or SPACE in the library list.


forceReadOnlyExpression in ComboBoxLinkPropertyField is optional again

Due to a bug the forceReadOnlyExpression configuration of the ComboBoxLinkPropertyField could not be left empty. This has now been fixed.


Fixed default template for ComboBoxLinkPropertyField

The template lacked a CSS class required by ExtJS which prevented that items could be selected. The class is now added to all items.


Sites App: Derive Site Permissions From Process Definition

The permission to derive a site in CoreMedia Studio is now directly derived from the process definition derive-site.xml . Most notable result is, that administrators can now start the derivation process. In addition to the change in CoreMedia Studio the grant options in derive-site.xml have been extended to group administratoren . Prior to this change, only user admin was configured in the process definition.


In order to benefit from the change of group administratoren having permissions to derive a site, you need to re-upload the process definition:

cm upload -n /com/coremedia/translate/workflow/derive-site.xml

This is not required, if it is sufficient, that administrative user admin has derive-site permissions only.


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