

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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`CurrentCommerceConnection` has been removed

The preferred way to obtain a commerce connection is to ask the store context for it via StoreContext#getConnection() if the store context is available in the current scope.

Follow Section, “`CurrentCommerceConnection` has been removed” for upgrade information.


CommerceConnection#setStoreContext renamed

The CommerceConnection method setStoreContext has been renamed to setInitialStoreContext .

Follow Section, “CommerceConnection#setStoreContext renamed” for upgrade information.


User context removed from commerce connection

As the user context is more specific than the commerce connection, the current user context was moved to its own thread-local and can be obtained via CurrentUserContext .

Follow Section, “User context removed from commerce connection” for upgrade information.


`UserContextHelper` methods removed

CurrentUserContext has been introduced to obtain the current user context from a thread-local.

Follow Section, “`UserContextHelper` methods removed” for upgrade information.


`UserContextProvider` methods removed

The UserContextProvider role is to offer a way to create a UserContext object, but not to keep one around. Thus, the methods getCurrentContext , setCurrentContext , and clearCurrentContext have been removed.

Follow Section, “`UserContextProvider` methods removed” for upgrade information.


`CurrentStoreContext` replaces `CurrentCommerceConnection`

The preferred way to obtain a commerce connection is to ask the store context for it via StoreContext#getConnection() if the store context is available in the current scope. If a site object or a content object is available in the current scope, CommerceConnectionInitializer or CommerceConnectionSupplier can be used to obtain a commerce connection instance.

Follow Section, “`CurrentStoreContext` replaces `CurrentCommerceConnection`” for upgrade information.


Refactored Spring Configuration Files of Artifact bpbase-lc-common

The XML configuration files provided by artifact bpbase-lc-common were removed. Use the new java configuration class com.coremedia.blueprint.base.livecontext.LcEcommerceServiceConfiguration instead.


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