

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Use Salesforce Page Cache for CMS fragments

Together with the new cache control feature in the CAE it is possible to use these expiry information to instrument the Salesforce Page Cache. The information is read by the cartridge and set to the storefront response, at least if these are lower than the values set on the Salesforce side. There is an easy to customize implementation in the cartridge. For information see the Salesforce adapter manual.


LiveContextSiteResolver uses Cache

Introduced caching to fasten up site resolving when handling fragment requests.

For each fragment requests the matching site needs to be resolved. Therefore, all available sites are iterated and checked. To dispatch the matching site the locale and the storeId is used. This lookup is done over and over again and is now cached.


Add support for identifying nested properties in structs

Support accessing nested properties in structs:

  • BlobRef has a property path to identify a Blob, CapBlobRef is a special case with a path size of one

  • CapStructUtil providing convenience methods for dealing with nested properties in CapStructs and retrieving nested Descriptors

  • Enhance CapStructs to support nested properties

  • Enhance StructBuilder to retrieve nested Descriptors


Freemarker: Reintroduced "bp.isEmptyRichtext"

Reintroduced "isEmptyRichtext" to the BlueprintFreemarkerFacade. The functionality checks if the given richtext is actually empty (e.g. only contains an empty technical html tags but no actual text or image content).


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