

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Third-Party Update: Hibernate Core

Hibernate Core has been updated to version 5.4.27.Final to avoid a security vulnerability of the previous version (CVE-2020-25638).


Fixed favicon image file upload error

Studio failed to upload favicon image files with mime types image/x-icon and image/ This is fixed now.


Fixed warning which occurred during Studio Server start

A warning (including a Stacktrace) was logged during the Start of Studio Server Failed to find Liquibase changeSet file for file . This has been fixed


Editorial Comments: Support for multiple hibernate data sources

A bug has been fixed which prevented to define a custom hibernate connection next to the editorial comments hibernate connection. All beans of hibernate, jpa and liquibase for editorial comments are now injected by name instead of type.


Liquibase not executed with every Studio-Server startup anymore

The database migration tool Liquibase was executed with every start of a Studio Server instance. When the start of the Studio Server was interrupted during the execution of Liquibase, it was possible that a lock on the database remained, which had to be removed manually.

Now Liquibase will only be executed when the database needs to be migrated. If the database is up to date, Liquibase will not run.


Content Hub: details request respects that entity might be null

The request /details of the Content Hub rest service assumed that an entity is always available when details are requested. Now the request delivers an error when the entity can't be found.


DeadLinkValidator returns multiple issues per content property

The DeadLinkValidator returned only the first issue for a given content property to validate. Now the validator has a property maxIssues with a default value of 20 for the maximum number of returned issues per content property. So if a content has a linklist property with 20 deleted content references, all 20 issues are returned in the default case.


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