

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Run confd when workflowconverter is run ibefore workflow-server startup

If the entrypoint chain for the workflow-server contains the workflowconverter step, run confd before to configure the UAPI and role mappings.

Follow Section, “Run confd when workflowconverter is run ibefore workflow-server startup” for upgrade information.


Docker network dependent entrypoint chain scripts have been removed from Dockerfile default command chain

All Spring-Boot application based docker images that use the coremedia/java-application-base base image, now don't use the wait-for* entrypoint chain scripts in their default any more. The scripts depend on a software defined network making the service names available. In addition to this, services like cae-feeder-preview and cae-feeder-live are now based on the same image and can't use the same entrypoint chain. In order to setup the development docker-compose setup robustly, the wait-for* scripts are now only added by the docker-compose service definitions.


Removal: Deprecated methods from Blueprint module search-api

Some deprecated methods have been removed from package of Blueprint module search-api .

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated methods from Blueprint module search-api” for upgrade information.


Standardize Spring-Boot applications

To simplify future deployments and cluster deployment automation, the CoreMedia Spring-Boot applications have been standardized in regards to ports, servlet contexts and management interfaces. The changes include:

Follow Section, “Standardize Spring-Boot applications” for upgrade information.


Development licenses

The directory in which development licenses are placed for locally starting Content Servers from the Blueprint workspace has been moved from workspace-configuration/development-licenses to apps/content-server/spring-boot/content-server-app/development-licenses .


maven-surefire-plugin et al. updated to 3.0.0-M3

maven-surefire-plugin, maven-failsafe-plugin and maven-surefire-report-plugin have been updated from 2.22.2 to 3.0.0-M3. This fixes several issues especially regarding Java 11.

Follow Section, “maven-surefire-plugin et al. updated to 3.0.0-M3” for upgrade information.


Ignore missing content or user files when use-remote-content-archive is used

When the management-tools container uses the use-remote-content-archive entrypoint, it should ignore missing content or user files when moving them to the import dir. Otherwise it is not possible to import only content from a remote archive.


Spring-Boot / Docker integration for livecontext name changes

In the Spring-Boot application and Docker setup, Spring profiles and docker-compose configurations have been changed to remove the lc3 prefix.

Follow Section, “Spring-Boot / Docker integration for livecontext name changes” for upgrade information.


Taxonomies: Skip empty folders in taxonomy type lookup

The method TaxonomyUtil#findFirstTaxonomy(Content folder, String contentType) was used to lookup a taxonomy recursively to convert the String to a ContentType. This method has been removed and ContentRepository#getContentType is used instead.


Empty Translation Units in XLIFF Export

The XLIFF exporter considers the EMPTY_IGNORE option ( com.coremedia.cap.translate.xliff.XliffExportOptions.EmptyOption.EMPTY_IGNORE , set by default for XLIFF Export) for String properties in Structs now, and omits empty values in the export if the option is configured.


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