

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Moved Responsive Images Settings to Themes

We removed the settings for Responsive Images from all our demo sites as they are now provided by the themes. You can find them in the corresponding themes in src/settings/Responsive Images.settings.json . If you don't want to utilize the settings you do not need to make any changes as responsive images settings declared in specific sites take precedence over those declared in themes.


De-/activate CTAs for Banners

CTAs in the caption of CMTeasable and LiveContextProductTeasable from the default-teaser brick can be de-/activated via cm.localParameters() (defaults to true ). This overrules the "Show Call-to-Action Button" setting in the teaserDocumentForm.


Added support for display orientation in scss mixin aspect-ratio-box-by-breakpoint

The scss mixin aspect-ratio-box-by-breakpoint supports optional parameter display orientation for breakpoints.

Example: @include aspect-ratio-box-by-breakpoint(("xs", "portrait") (4, 3), ("xs", "landscape") (1, 1), "sm-and-up" (16, 9))


Removal: Frontend dependency "js-to-markdown"

The thirdparty dependency "js-to-markdown" and the according script yarn run apidoc have been removed since it didn't generate any helpful markdown documentation. Please read the documentation in the javascript files instead.


Updated frontend dependencies

The frontend-maven-plugin used in the frontend workspace has been updated to version 1.7.6 and will now download and use Yarn version 1.17.3 when it is built. The frontend dependencies, e.g. webpack, prettier, have been updated to the latest versions and node.js to latest LTS version 10.16.0 .

Update steps:

If you are working with the Frontend Workspace we suggest to also upgrade your local installation of Yarn to 1.17.3 and node.js to 10.16.0 .


Changed default teaser layout

The default layout in placements has been changed to use the layout of the brick @coremedia-examples/brick-left-right-banner in the themes "shared-example", "calista" and "chefcorp" as default.


Changed property "cssClass" of Pagegrids

Pagegrids had an optional property cssClass . It was renamed to cssClassName accordingly to the getter of the Pagegrid interface, but the old name is still supported.

The default cssClassName cm-grid--default and the prefix cm-grid-- have been removed. Please add the entire css class name to the pagegrids. Empty or missing property will not return the default anymore.


Adjustments to preview related CSS and JS

Preview related CSS and JS documents from the theme ( css/preview.css and js/preview.js ) no longer need to be added manually via the previewCss and previewJs settings described in the chapter "Client Code Delivery" of the Blueprint Developer Manual . This is now automatically handled by the theme.

As a side effect the Remote Frontend Developer Workflow will now also work with preview related CSS and JS. In previous versions changing these resources did not have any effect until the theme was redeployed.

Make sure to unlink the aforementioned documents from all sites to benefit from the changes.


Fixed issue: node-sass build warning about undefined breakpoint

This issue will no longer occur when using our API bricks as API bricks do not provide hard coded breakpoint styling anymore. For example bricks the warning might still occur but as using an example brick requires creating a copy of the brick you can adjust the SASS (e.g. by removing the breakpoint styling or changing to a breakpoint defined in your theme).


Introduced Theme specific settings

Themes and bricks can now provide theme specific settings, which will automatically taken into account when using the bp.setting function of the Blueprint Freemarker Facade . Please have a look at the chapter "Settings" in the Frontend Developer Manual to learn more about theme specific settings.


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