

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Locked By Workflow vs. Users With Low Permissions: Issues Fixed

The Locked by Workflow feature, used especially for publication workflow, did not work for users who are not allowed to access the corresponding workflow. As a side effect of the underlying issue, such users with low permissions were unable to perform some operations on linklist of contents which are currently in translation.

These problems have been fixed now.


Improved Publication Performance for Unchanged Blobs Values

Fixed a bug that caused unnecessary re-transfer of unchanged blob values when content is published to the Master Live Server.


CORBA communication

A workaround for an ORB bug has been included. The bug could potentially stop CORBA communication of a Content Server or a Workflow Server entirely. Upgrading to the current release is strongly recommended.


Exception Messages

Some (justified) NullPointerExceptions related to inconsistent multisite content have messages now.


Replicator lifecycle

The replicator process in the Replication Live Server can be shut down, while it is trying to connect to the Master Live Server . This makes it possible to stop the replicator in case of problems with the Master Live Server with less danger of reactivating it accidentally while the Master Live Server has not yet fully recovered.


JDBC 2.0 required

In previous releases, the property had to be set to choose support for JDBC versions other than 1.0. This property has been removed. Support for JDBC 3.0 is required for JDBC drivers. All supported databases provide drivers with at least this JDBC version.


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