

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Webpack and Babel has been updated to version 4 and 7 respectively.

Support For Webpack mode

Building themes will generate production versions of the the theme by default. It's not necessary anymore to set the NODE_ENV ( yarn run --production build ).

  • For the production build, just run yarn build .

  • For the development build use yarn build --mode=development .

Support for babel.config.js

You can now add a babel.config.js to theme's root folder to customize the babel configuration:

const { babelConfig } = require("@coremedia/theme-utils");

module.exports = api => {
  const config = babelConfig(api);

  // ... your customizations

  return config;

Upgrade Steps
Adjust your theme's package.json

You just need to make sure that the webpack version in your theme's package.json now needs to be "^4.0.0".

Importing Our Default Webpack Configuration

The webpack configuration is now a named export instead of the default export meaning that the code in your webpack.config.js needs a slight adjustment.

const webpackTheme = require("@coremedia/theme-utils");

module.exports = webpackTheme;


const { webpackConfig } = require("@coremedia/theme-utils");

module.exports = webpackConfig;

(Optional) If you have made customizations to the webpack.config.js

The webpack mode can only be accessed using the function based webpack configuration (see ). As we were using the object approach our default webpack configuration provided by the package @coremedia/theme-utils has been changed and now provides a function instead of an object. Changes to our default configuration should be made as follows:

const { webpackConfig } = require("@coremedia/theme-utils");

module.exports = (env, argv) => {
  const config = webpackConfig(env, argv);

  // ... your customizations

  return config;

Please also consult for webpack specific upgrade hints or to see what changed with the babel upgrade.

(Optional) If you maintain a list of JavaScript files associated to a theme

For technical reasons we needed to introduce a commons.js file. If you have manually created a list of JavaScript files to be loaded you also need to add this new file. It needs to be loaded before all other JavaScript files.


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