

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Third-Party Update: PostgreSQL Driver

The PostgreSQL driver has been updated to version 42.2.16.


The base image for all spring-boot applications has been updated

The update to 2.2.1 includes the latest java patch update and a small fix to improve the usability of the entrypoint chains together with the management-tools image.


The Docker base image for MySQL has been updated

The base image for MySQL in the docker-compose development system has been updated from 5.7.28 to 5.7.31.


Add ignoredDependencies configuration to ModularOneRepoEnforcerRule

With the update of coremedia-enforcer-rules to 1.2.1 , dependencies can now be excluded from the ModularOneRepoEnforcerRule by adding an ignoredDependencies element to the rule, which works the same way as in the maven-dependency-plugin. The filter syntax is: groupId:artifactId:type:version where each pattern segment is optional and supports full and partial * wildcards. An empty pattern segment is treated as an implicit wildcard.


CMCC now supports PostgreSQL 9.6 on Azure

PostgreSQL 9.6 on Azure was successfully tested and is now supported for CMCC 10. As Azure adds a postfix to the database username, you need to set a new DB connection property.

  • For Content and Workflow Server (as well as the command line tools) you need to additionally set the property<username>@<your domain> .

NOTE : The <username> needs to be equal to the name, set in the property<username> .

  • For the CAE Feeder and the cm resetcaefeeder command line tool, set the property jdbc.login-user-name=<username>@<your domain> , in addition to jdbc.user=<username>

  • For the Studio Server you need to set the property editorial.comments.db.username=<username>@<your domain> and editorial.comments.db.schema=<schemaname>


commerce-adapter-commercetools to Docker deployment

Adds commerce-adapter-commercetools to Docker deployment


Update Traefik to 1.7.26

Traefik has been updated to 1.7.26.


java-application-base container image source published

The source to build the java-application-base image has been published as a Github repository at .

Furthermore, the image build process has been enhanced to build images based on:

  • openjdk (jdk|jre)

  • amazon corretto

  • adoptopenjdk (jdk|jre)


Changed Configuration Properties for Search And Feeder

Some configuration properties for the Solr connection and for Feeder applications have been renamed as part of an initiative to use Spring Boot's type-safe ConfigurationProperties . The old property names all still work as before but some have been deprecated. It's not required to change your configuration now. If possible, we recommend to migrate to the new property names.

Applications that use Solr to search for editorial content like Studio should specify the name of the 'studio' collection with property solr.content.collection instead of solr.collection.content .

Applications that use Solr for the web-site search like the CAE should specify the name of the 'preview' or 'live' collection with property solr.cae.collection instead of solr.collection.cae .

See sections 'Content Feeder Renamed Properties' and 'CAE Feeder Renamed Properties' in the reference chapter of the Search Manual for old and new property names for Feeder applications.

Note, that the old properties feeder.sendIdleDelay , feeder.sendMaxDelay , feeder.retrySendIdleDelay , and feeder.retrySendMaxDelay take a value in seconds for the Content Feeder, but a value in milliseconds for the CAE Feeder. This hasn't changed. The new properties feeder.batch.send-idle-delay , feeder.batch.send-max-delay , feeder.batch.retry-send-idle-delay , and feeder.batch.retry-send-max-delay take milliseconds for both Content Feeder and CAE Feeder (if the value does not specify a different Spring Boot duration unit like 's').


Configuration properties have changed.

The following properties are deprecated. The usage of their replacements is encouraged.

Deprecated Property -> Replacement

  • blueprint.sitemap.cae.port -> cae.sitemap.cae-port

  • blueprint.sitemap.period -> cae.sitemap.period-minutes

  • blueprint.sitemap.protocol ->cae.sitemap.protocol

  • ->

  • contentbeans.merge-code-resources -> cae.merge-code-resources

  • -> themes.project-directory

  • keep.https.after.logout ->


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