

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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ContentHub framework now provides the ability to search in an external system. Therefore the optional ContentHubSearchService is introduced in the ContentHubAdapter. If a ContentHubSearchService is returned the search in the CollectionView/Library is enabled. As some external systems only provide the ability to search globally and not in a folder, the ContentHubSearchService#supportsSearchBelowFolder makes this configurable in every Adapter instance.

The ContentHub API now defines a ContentHubType for every ContentHubObject. The ContentHubType of a ContentHubObject is responsible how the Object is shown in Studio. Also when importing a ContentHubItem to CoreMedia, the ContentHubType can be used to determine as which CoreMedia ContentType the Item will be imported. In order to enabled a fast setup for a "FileSystem"-ContentHub Adapter the & the were introduced that provide a default that determines the MimeType of an external item by its file ending. The MimeType will be used to create a ContentHubType for that icon.

The Column behaviour of ContentHub was changed. ContentHub no longer defines four default Columns, but only one which is the Type Column. If you want to display Custom Columns your Adapter needs to return a ColumnProvider. If no ColumnProvider is defined, the ContentHub will take a DefaultColumnProvider instead, which adds a column that displays the displayName of a ContentHubObject, next to the Type Column.

ContentHubObjectId has been simplified. A ContentHubObjectId consists only of the connectionId and the externalId now. All additional features like object type, parent, being root, being a reference and URL encoding have been removed. All factory methods have been replaced by a constructor that takes a connectionId and an externalId as arguments. These changes affect also the String representation used for persistence. Referenced contents have no externalRefId at all any longer. If you have already imported content hub objects into the content repository, and you need to trace them back by their externalRefId property, please contact the CoreMedia Support for migration advice.


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