Release Notes / Version 10.2107
Table Of ContentsThe configuration of previews (single or multi preview) for studio was limited to, which required a configuration at deployment time, thus a full build, deployment and restart.
In order to make the configuration more convenient in a cloud scenario, it is now possible, to define previews using content settings documents at runtime. This version provides ready to use preview implementations for CAE, Headless and generic external preview services.
The familiar standard CAE preview (single preview) remains the default. Customers, using the standard preview don't have to change anything.
Customers, using the previously introduced based multi preview definition have to update their configuration and move it from files based to content based configuration.
Please refer to the studio developer manual for more details about the configuration.
- CoreMedia Studio
- Replaced TargetSitesGridPanel from DefaultStartTranslationWorkflowPanel With TargetSitesTree