

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Third-Party Update: Groovy

Groovy has been updated to version 2.4.21 to avoid a security vulnerability of the previous version (CVE-2020-17521).


Multi-Site: Enhance Robustness For Restricted Permission Scenarios

In previous releases the CoreMedia Multi-Site feature failed if in a given sites-structure any of the master-sites was unreadable by the current user. Most obvious symptom: In Studio this user with restricted permissions is unable to select a preferred site.

This has been fixed within Site#getMasterSite() which will now return null for unreadable master sites.


Fixed Solr Core Creation in Docker Setup

Fixed a bug in the script for the creation of Solr cores at a Solr Slave server in apps/solr/docker/solr/src/docker/bin/ .


Fixed Local Start for CAE Feeder

Fixed the bug that the CAE Feeder could not be started locally for development from an IntelliJ IDEA run configuration.


XLIFF-Export: Fixed Possible CapTranslateItemException for Master without Derived

In previous CMCC releases you may have experienced a CapTranslateItemException like:

CapTranslateItemException: Master aspect does not have any matching derived target contents

As for actions like FilteredDerivedContentAction it is a common approach removing derived target contents from a translation process, the behavior got changed in that way, that this state is ignored. Thus, for a given master without derived targets, no translation item, and as a result no XLIFF file will be generated.


Workaround Solr bug that leads to unhealthy Solr Server after index creation

Added a workaround for Solr bug . In rare cases, the bug could cause the Solr server to become unhealthy, when Elastic Social search indices were created in Solr, for example when a new Elastic Social tenant was created. Only a restart of the Solr server helped in such a case. The newly introduced workaround avoids this problem.


XLIFF-Import: Fixed possible IllegalArgumentException for Struct Lists

If you had exported Struct entries of type List<Struct> with the option EMPTY_IGNORE enabled, you may have experienced an IllegalArgumentException like a list of length 1 was entered at position 2, which does not exist .

This has been fixed.


Fixed CAE Feeder bug that caused missing changes

Fixed a bug in the CAE Feeder that caused some updates to be ignored in rare cases. The workaround for this bug was to restart the CAE Feeder application, which caused it to replay these missing updates. With this bug fix, this isn't necessary anymore.

Furthermore, a related bug was fixed that some documents were re-indexed after restarting the CAE Feeder , even though the documents were already up to date. This also happened in rare cases only.


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