

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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"Content Creation" settings not always taken into account for "Create New Content" Dialog

Due to a race condition the "Content Creation" Settings document wasn't always taken into account when suggesting a folder for the "Create New Content" dialog. This has been fixed now.


Fixed Startup Of Studio Packages Proxy App

We fixed the issue where the Studio packages proxy app would not continue loading after login.


Studio Locale Cookie with SameSite Lax

Firefox was complaining about the Studio locale cookie having sameSite=none and at the same time not being secure. Firefox also threatens to disregard the cookie in the near future which will result in Studio not loading anymore whenever a locale different from the default locale is stored in a user's EditorPreferences.

The cookie now has sameSite=Lax from 2101.4 and 2104.1 on. For older versions there is a workaround applicable to the config-init.js in Blueprint.

Replace the function loadScripts() with this:

  function loadScripts() {
    // create and append script elements
    function loadScript(attributes) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.async = false;
      script.type = 'text/javascript';
      Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (a) {
        script[a] = attributes[a];


    var attributeList = [
      {src: window.coremediaRemoteServiceUri + 'supported-locales.js'},
      {src: window.coremediaRemoteServiceUri + 'accept-language-header.js'},
      {src: 'resources/before-ext-load.js'},
      {id: 'microloader', 'data-app': '906bf4bf-9a7d-42cc-b7a5-6ef30df325e9', src: 'bootstrap.js'}



and add:

  function patchJooLocaleSupportWhenReady() {
    joo.___localeSupport = joo.localeSupport;
    Object.defineProperty(joo, "localeSupport", {
      get: function () {
        return joo.___localeSupport;
      set: function (ls) {
        joo.___localeSupport = ls;

        ls.setLocale = function (newLocale/*:String*/)/*:String*/ {
          ls.locale = ls.findSupportedLocale(newLocale);
          // either create, update or remove (if locale===null) the Cookie:
          setLaxCookie(ls.localeCookieName, ls.locale, ls.localeCookiePath,
                  ls.locale ? getLocaleCookieExpiry() : new Date(0),
          return ls.getLocale(); // use getter to re-compute fallback logic for locale==null and cache the result

        return ls.getLocale();

  function setLaxCookie(name, value, path, expires, domain) {
    //noinspection FallThroughInSwitchStatementJS
    document.cookie =
            name + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value || "") +
            ((expires === null) ? "" : ("; expires=" + expires.toGMTString())) +
            ((path === null) ? "" : ("; path=" + path)) +
            ((domain === null) ? "" : ("; domain=" + domain)) + "; SameSite=Lax"

  function getLocaleCookieExpiry()/*:Date*/ {
    var date/*:Date*/ = new Date();
    date.setTime(date.getTime() + (DAYS_TILL_LOCALE_COOKIE_EXPIRY * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
    return date;


Struct Editor: Blobs can now also be uploaded to Blob(-List)-Properties within Struct Lists

When using the upload blob dialog of the Struct Editor blob (list) properties nested within Struct lists are now properly handled. Before the fix the upload was just ignored.


Fixed VisibilityValidator bug that caused NoSuchPropertyDescriptorException

Fixed a bug in the Studio VisibilityValidator that could lead to an exception of type NoSuchPropertyDescriptorException when issues were computed for a page, and if a link was missing in the page grid structure.


Make BindPlugin robust against write errors

In rare situations when trying to write a value to an invalid struct, the BindPlugin received an AS error which was not caught and caused the whole Studio to be unusable. A reload was required. This is fixed now. The BindPlugin catches the error and reports it to the console.


Fixed calculation of cardinality in ContentLinkListWrapper

If a struct entry did not exist the cardinality of the property was calculated as "-1". This has been fixed now so. For non existing struct properties the cardinality of link lists is now int.MAX_INT.


Fixed Lookup of ViewTypes

Fixed issue with attribte paths of the ViewTypeSelectorForm . This attribute allowes to set fix looup paths for view type but included other folders of the type hierarchy anyway. The type hierarchy and the corresponding folder lookup is ignored now again.


Ordered and unordered list can be both selected in richtext toolbar (overflow menu)

Button events in the RichtTextPropertyField are now passed to the containing toolbar. States between toolbar buttons and corresponding checkboxes in the toolbar overflow menu are now synced correctly.


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