

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Modularization of Project Extensions

With modularization of the CoreMedia Blueprint workspace, project extensions have undergone a structural change, too.

Follow Section, “Modularization of Project Extensions” for upgrade information.


Updated to latest Spring Framework 5.2.1, Spring Boot 2.2.1, Spring Security 5.2.1, and others

Along with the Spring Framework and Spring Boot the following libraries have been updated:

Follow Section, “Updated to latest Spring Framework 5.2.1, Spring Boot 2.2.1, Spring Security 5.2.1, and others” for upgrade information.


Removed Maven property workspace.configuration.dir

The Maven property workspace.configuration.dir was defined in many aggregator POMs and was needed to find the global workspace configuration directory. With the new modular workspace structure, this property is obsolete and has been removed from all POMs, together with the derived properties development-properties.dir and logging-properties.dir .


Changed CMLinkable#getLocalSettings

On popular demand, we revoked the deprecation state of CMLinkable#getLocalSettings . We also removed the overriding of getLocalSettings in CMLinkableImpl , because it turned out to be confusing. The overriding method is still available as getLocalAndLinkedSettings now. CMTeaserImpl still overrides getLocalSettings such that the teaser target's settings are considered. However, only the local settings of teaser and target are considered now, not the linked settings.


Upgraded Netty Libraries

Upgraded netty libraries to io.netty:netty-bom:4.1.42.Final .


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