

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Fixed moving imagemap hot zone can disable scrolling in the Studio preview

When you move a hot zone of an imagemap in Studio the preview is reloaded to reveal the change. When you move the hot zone and scroll in the preview before the preview is reloaded then scrolling is disabled after the reload. It's enabled again after clicking in the preview. This is fixed now. No disabled scrolling anymore.


Changed 'disableSuggestions' Flag to Boolean

Changed  the 'disableSuggestions' flag of the TaxonomyPropertyField to type 'Boolean'.


"AddDefaultFolderComboEntry" plugin now passes correct content type to lookup function

The addDefaultFolderComboEntry plugin now passes the correct content type to the lookup function. Before it was always set to _Folder . Should, contrary to expectations, your plugin rely on this behavior, please change it accordingly.


TeaserRichTextPropertyFieldDelegatePlugin No Longer Shows Wrong Value On Tab Reuse

A bug has been fixed where the TeaserRichTextPropertyFieldDelegatePlugin showed a wrong value for the delegation field.


Fixed image request with height=0 in image editor in Studio

Sometimes the image editor in Studio wants to load an image with height=0 which produces an error message on the studio server (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: box height (0) must be positive). This has been fixed.


Fixed too small image in image editor in Studio

When an image fails to load in the image editor due to a server error for some reason, any following successful image load requests in the same image editor show too small images. Only a browser reload could solve the issue. This has been fixed now.


Fixed Busy Mode for Taxonomy Manager

Fixed error for the taxonomy manager when the document form for taxonomy documents has been customized.


Fixed default behavior for BoundRadioGroup

We fixed issues with BoundRadioGroup's handling of default values, leading to unwanted document checkouts.


Chrome: Problems with double-quote-comma in names (Pictures, XLIFF-Download) fixed

If you name a picture document This",Is it and upload an image blob, a broken image was shown in image editor. A similar use-case: If you created a translation workflow and named the workflow Translate",This Google Chrome refused to download the corresponding XLIFF from workflow.

Reason was an escape problem in Content-Disposition header. The behavior has been changed not to use the filename attribute of the Content-Disposition header, but the filename* attribute, which also defines the character set to use and correctly escapes the filename.

Firefox and IE11 were unaffected by this problem.


Fixed focus management of struct property fields in Studio

When the issues window in Studio shows an issue with a link pointing to the local settings struct property field and when clicking on the link then the System tab was opened but the struct property field was not expanded. This is fixed now. The field also expands.


Fixed rendering error in upload dialog

Fixed issue where the preview image of a selected image wasn't rendered in CoreMedia Studio.


Added UploadSettings as callback value of load method

UploadSettings inherits from BeanImpl. The load-method can be referred yia callback. As soon as the bean is loaded the callback gets called. The callback does now refer the UploadSettings.


Fixed Studio Plugin Load Order

Since 1810, with the introduction of dynamic Studio modules, the load order of Studio plugins may have been incorrect. This has been fixed with an update of Jangaroo Ext AS to version 6.5.3-9. If you relied on the incorrect Studio plugin load order, this fix might break your extension. To ensure a specific plugin load order, you might have to add additional Maven dependencies.


Fixed upload problems caused by whitespaces in the filename

Uploads failed when there was a whitespace in the filename. The error has been fixed together with the introduction of the new jobs API the new upload is build on.


Taxonomies: Permission Check for Loading

During the loading of a taxonomy tree, the permission are now checked for the current user if the given taxonomy is writeable.


Fixed Studio Shortscuts Overriding

Changed documentation of how to implement custom keyboard shortcuts for the Studio.


WorkflowDateTimeField has now "allowBlank" and "readOnly" properties

The WorkflowDateTimeField now provides the following properties:  * allowBlank * readOnly * default TimeZone can be set via the defaultTimeZoneValueExpression


Content state is now shown in TranslationTree component

Content state is now shown in TranslationTree component


Studio loads faster when there are many sites

CoreMedia Studio used to load very slowly when there was a large amount of sites (hundreds). This is fixed by retrieving the information for all sites in bulk.


DateTimePropertyField updates content not only after loosing its focus

DateTimePropertyField now tries to update content on every key press and saves the value to the content every time it is valid. If a user clicks somewhere else and the Component looses its focus, the field is validated and, if its value is invalid, the last saved valid value is reloaded.


DateTimePropertyField resets date after deleting the time

DateTimeProperty field now updates and validates its property values on every key press. After the field is blurred the last valid value is reset.


Blob equality

When comparing Unified API blobs stored on the Content Server, the equals() check will in many cases return much faster now, if the blobs are indeed equal. This is achieved by using the internal blob ids and the etag values in a preliminary check.


Search results in taxonomy search fields in Studio are shown in correct order

With every new character entered in a taxonomy search field, a new search request is triggered. When the responses arrive in a different order due to server or network latency an old result was shown in Studio. This is fixed now. A new search request aborts the previous pending request. Only the latest result is shown in Studio.


Fixed: No tab navigation in Studio login screen after auto logout

After some time of inactivity the Studio automatically logs out the user. A popup windows informs the user. After closing the window, the user cannot tab to the user name and password fields. This is fixed now. Instead of a popup window the text with auto logout information appears on a new panel in the login screen allowing tab navigation as usual. The new panel also informs the user about a failed login.


Taxonomy suggestions are now always updated on Studio tab switch.

A bug has been fixed where taxonomy suggestions where not correctly updated on Studio tab switch with tab reuse enabled.


Fixed Bookmark Menu in Studio

The bookmark menu does not freeze anymore after removing a bookmark.


Fixed 409 Conflict Error On Publication

A 409 conflict error has been fixed, that occurred when changing a richtext propery of a content item and publishing it very shortly afterwards.


Fixed External Preview

Fixed broken external preview.


Content items are no longer accidentally checked out when using form fields for struct properties (e.g. CTA teaser options).

A bug has been fixed. where content items were accidentally checked out when using form fields for struct properties (e.g. CTA teaser options).


Studio no longer randomly stops working when using differencing view.

A bug has been fixed related to Studio tab reuse and the differencing view of document forms that caused the Studio to stop working.


Content with string lists in structs no longer accidentally checked out on tab reuse.

We fixed a bug where content items with string lists in structs where accidentally checked out in tab switch with Studio tab reuse.


Fixed with language differencing when using reusable tabs

We fixed a bug where sometimes the wrong read-only content was shown for language differencing when using reusable Studio tabs.


Fixed Studio Documentation

In the Studio Developer Manual the example for "Adding table cell merge and split commands" has been fixed.


No more duplicate tooltips in tree views in Studio

When hovering over folders in the library tree view in Studio, a tooltip pops up duplicating the folder name. This was fixed. No tooltips appear anymore.


Fixed: New content window jumps to center screen on first drag

When you click on the New-button in the favourites toolbar in Studio to create a new content item, a dialog window appears on the top left side to enter content name and target folder. When you start to drag the window for the first time, its ghost window suddenly jumps to the center of the screen. This has been fixed with an override of Ext.window.Window.


Fixed documentation of ViewTypeSelectorForm in Blueprint Developer Manual

The Blueprint Developer Manual still contained a very old and wrong description of view type selector forms. This has been fixed.


Fixed: Scrolling in My Edited Contents panel in Studio produces gaps with empty space

When the My Edited Contents panel contains many contents and some content is selected and focused and the user scrolls down in the panel to force loading of additional contents, large gaps with empty space may appear in the panel. This has been fixed by overriding Ext.panel.Table#beforeRender to not use the internal BufferedRenderer together with the BindListPlugin from CoreMedia.


Changed save behaviour for TextBlobPropertyField

The saving behavior changed from " change " event to " blur " event in TextBlobPropertyField.mxml to avoid cursor jumping to the end of the text.


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