

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Unintentional release of parts of the Studio Client Test Framework.

Unintentional release of parts of the Studio Client Test Framework . Please do not use any of the contents and do not depend on this directory. The directory will be removed with 2004.2 .


Exclude MongoAutoConfiguration

MongoAutoConfiguration is excluded for all apps that have a potential MongoDB connection.


Internal Link Window is no longer cut off for smaller Richtext Property Fields

If the RichtextPropertyField did not provide enough height/width (e.g. by using the resizer) the InternalLinkWindow was cut off. This has been fixed for RichtextPropertyFields inside of DocumentForms .


Improved resolve of download filenames

CMDownload resolves the complete context hierarchy when searching for a filename now, not only the immediate context.


Modular Public API JavaDoc

Since CMCC 10, the project workspace is structured into modular workspaces, representing applications and shared code. Before version 2004, the public API JavaDoc reflected this by an overview page with one group for each modular workspace. As soon as you navigated to a package or class, you would lose track of which modular workspace this API belongs to.

Starting with 2004, each modular workspace now has its own public API JavaDoc. The JavaDoc link on the documentation site has been replaced by a list of links to all modular workspace JavaDocs, grouped by "Apps" and "Shared". Each workspace JavaDoc has its own overview, index, and local search. That means when consulting for example Studio Server's JavaDoc, you won't find any CAE API classes. Note that you won't find any shared API (common, middle) either, as these are documented in their corresponding workspaces. Two features help you navigating the modular API:

  1. Links between modular workspaces work. For example, a Studio Server API using shared/common API links to Common workspace's JavaDoc. Such "cross-workspace" links are indicated by a north-east-pointing, single arrow. External references like Java SDK or Spring API are indicated by a double arrow.

  2. Each modular workspace JavaDoc has a header that contains its name and version number. Thus, you always know which application or shared workspace the API you see belongs to.

The URLs of API classes have changed accordingly: they are complemented by the modular workspace name. For example in 2001, the public API for class MaxBlobSizeValidator could be found at

The new URL can be derived by replacing 2001.1 by 2004.1 and , because this class belongs to Studio Server, inserting studio-server/ before the package path:

On the documentation site, "Advanced Search" has been adapted accordingly. When searching the API in version 2004 and up, all modular workspaces are now offered as subcategories. Note that not selecting any subcategory will search all JavaDoc, but also Studio ASDoc. For versions below 2004, nothing changed: There are just two subcategories, "CMCC Javadoc" and "Studio ASDoc".



The Blueprint dataviews have been enhanced with a new a new dataview for CMGalleryImpl


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