

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Introducing the new API Brick Concept and new Example Bricks

The Bricks have been split up into two categories. We now distinct between API Bricks and example bricks to showcase the use of API Bricks.

API Bricks and Example Bricks

The bricks in frontend/lib/bricks provide a stable API and are maintained as such. They focus on stability and customizability. For more information consult the Frontend Developer Manual.

Example Bricks are contained in the frontend/bricks folder and serve as an example to show how frontend features can be implemented in the Frontend Workspace . As this is the folder where your own bricks reside they are prefixed with "example-" to avoid naming clashes. In NPM the example bricks (and all our themes) now use the custom scope "@coremedia-examples" to have a clear separation between API packages and examples. Examples can be changed or removed in new releases without prior notice. In order to use example bricks in your theme you need to create a copy and rename them accordingly.

New example banner bricks

Templates and styling for special banner variants that were part of the calista theme have been consolidated and transformed into example-bricks. They no longer rely on bootstrap but utilize CSS flexbox layouts. Newly introduced banner variants are left-right-banner and square-banner .

Every banner variant still depends on the brick default-teaser as API and uses its Freemarker macros to showcase different configuration options. Every brick provides styling and templates, specifies image crops for different breakpoints and a grid to be as independent as possible.

Navigation brick that does not require bootstrap

As part of our examples we introduced new example brick navigation that does not require bootstrap in order to be functional. It provides the same functionality as the bootstrap implementation.

Upgrade Notes
API Bricks
  • The package @coremedia/slick-carousel is now considered an API brick and was renamed to @coremedia/brick-slick-carousel accordingly. It was moved from lib/helpers to lib/bricks .

    • Please adjust your theme dependencies accordingly

    • Freemarker import statements also need to be adjusted to reflect the new name of the brick

  • Adjustments in default-teaser brick

    • Renamed CMPlaceholder.asTeaser.ftl to CMPlaceholder.teaser.ftl so banner variants created with the default-teaser brick will automatically benefit from it.

    • Removed CMGallery.asTeaser.ftl as it has only added the CSS class cm-teasable--gallery to templates. Feel free to readd the template in your themes if you need special styling based on this CSS class.

    • Container.asPlacement.ftl and Container.asTeaser.ftl now have to be provided by the theme to define which banner is to be used as the default implementation if no layout variant is set (please check our example themes for an implementation if you did not yet have an own version of these templates). The intention is to decouple the way the pagegrid is setup from the generic API contained in the default-teaser brick that helps rendering banners.

  • Removed generic-templates brick

    • Moved basic templates and styles for page rendering to new API brick page . Make sure to add a dependency to your theme if you have used the templates.

    • Moved *.asLink.ftl and Navigation.asBreadcrumb.ftl to navigation brick.

    • Moved CMHTML.asFooter.ftl to footer brick.

    • Moved CMTeasable.asListItem.ftl to elastic-social brick.

    • Moved generic cm-richtext styling to sass-utils package.

    • Moved CMTeasable.asRichtextEmbed.ftl and CMPicture.asRichtextEmbed.ftl to a new example brick richtext-embed .

    • Moved PageGrid.ftl and PageGridPlacement.ftl to our example themes. The fallback in the common view repository in the maven module cae-base-lib remains. If you have made use of the templates you need to copy them to your themes (e.g. from the version you migrated from).

    • If you are using the templates and stylings of the detail brick make sure that you now have an explicit dependency in your themes as it was previously automatically included by the generic-templates brick.

  • The media brick now contains the @coremedia/js-responsive-images package. The @coremedia/js-responsive-images package has been removed.

Example Bricks
  • The package @coremedia/brick-360-spinner is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-360-spinner . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks . Additionally, the @coremedia/js-360-spinner package was integrated into the @coremedia-examples/brick-360-spinner package. The @coremedia/js-360-spinner package has been removed.

  • The package @coremedia/brick-detail is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-detail . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

    • The default value for "relatedView" is now "asRelated" in all templates

  • The package @coremedia/brick-download-portal is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-download-portal . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

  • The package @coremedia/brick-elastic-social is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-elastic-social . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

  • The package @coremedia/brick-footer is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-footer . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

  • The package @coremedia/brick-fragment-scenario is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-fragment-scenario . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

  • The package @coremedia/brick-shoppable-video is now considered an example brick and was renamed to @coremedia-examples/brick-shoppable-video . It was moved from lib/bricks to bricks .

Discontinued Bricks / Libraries
  • The brick hero-teaser is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-hero-teaser (legacy) . You can either maintain a local copy of it or check if the example-hero-banner fits your needs.

  • The brick responsive-carousel is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-responsive-carousel (legacy) . You can either maintain a local copy of it or check if the example-carousel-banner fits your needs.

  • The brick bootstrap is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-bootstrap3 (legacy) . If you want to keep using the brick you need to maintain a local copy of it.

  • The brick navigation which was based on bootstrap is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-bootstrap3-navigation (legacy) . If you want to keep using the brick you need to maintain a local copy of it. Please also check the new example brick navigation for a possible replacement that does not require bootstrap.

  • The brick bootstrap-pagegrid is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-bootstrap3-pagegrid (legacy) . If you want to keep using the brick you need to maintain a local copy of it.

  • The package @coremedia/js-jquery-plugins is discontinued. The final version can be found under bricks/example-jquery-plugins (legacy) . If you want to keep using the brick you need to maintain a local copy of it.

Moved Templates and Styles
  • The templates and styling for the landscape banner have been moved from the calista theme to the new brick example-landscape-banner including styling and the following templates:

    • CMTeasable.asLandscapeBanner.ftl

    • CMTeasable.asPreviewForLandscape.ftl

    • Container.asPlacementlandscape.ftl

    • Container.asLandscapeBanner.ftl

  • The templates and styling for the portrait banner have been moved from the calista theme to the new brick example-landscape-banner including styling and the following templates:

    • CMTeasable.asPortraitBanner.ftl

    • CMTeasable.asPreviewForPortrait.ftl

    • Container.asPlacementportrait.ftl

    • Container.asPortraitBanner.ftl

  • The localization for view types in studio found in of the blueprint-forms has been adjusted to provide localization for the new view types that were introduced by the new banner bricks. Entries for view types that are no longer in use have been removed.


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