

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Default SAP Commerce Cloud Adapter changed to version 1.2.1

SAP Commerce Cloud 2005 is supported.


Default Salesforce Commerce Adapter changed to version 1.2.0
  • SFCC-33: Product Variation Groups found by search are displayed as variants and not as products.

  • Usage of adapter.base.version 1.4.5


Default HCL Commerce Adapter changed to version 1.3.13

There are more options to read the category for a product. The new config property "wcs. alwaysUseMasterCategory" (default is false) can be used to change into a mode where the current catalog does not matter when choosing the category for a product. In this case the category from the master catalog is chosen.

If another new config property "wcs.categoryValidationEnabled" (default is false) is set to "true" each category for a products is being validated before it is returned. Only categories that can be loaded in the context of the current catalog are accepted.


gRPC timeouts (deadlines) can be configured

A timeout (called deadline in gRPC) for calling the commerce adapter can be set in the gRPC clients (e.g. CAE/Studio). This helps to use the commerce adapter in a productive scenario, e.g. behind a load balancer. The default value is 60 seconds. After this timeout, the client no longer expects an answer and cancels the call.


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