

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Adding ID to all PageGrid related Elements

These ids are required when trying to cache a PageGrid, a PageGridRow or a PageGridPlacement using apollo-client.


Catalog types moved to extension headless-server-catalog

The catalog types (CMProduct, CMProductImpl) have moved to extension headless-server-catalog. Now these types are only available, if extension catalog is activated. Before, the types were always present, what lead to an error, when extension catalog was deactivated.


Fixed missing dependency when running headless without live context

In case of running headless without the live context extension "lc-asset" a dependency was missing, preventing the headless to start correctly.


LanguageId deprecated in favor for new properly named property 'locale'

The content schema of Headless Server contained the property 'languageId' but was not mapped properly to a property in content objects, thus delivering always null. The property is now deprecated in favor for the newly introduced property 'locale', which maps to the corresponding property of localized content objects. Additionally the now deprecated property 'languageId' was mapped to 'locale' in order to fix the always null issue.


Headless supporting queries for localized variants of content objects

Starting with version 2010.1 headless features the ability to query for localized content objects of any localizable content and derived sites of a site object. With the new abilities it is now possible to develop more generic clients, e.g. being able to bootstrap a client for all derived sites or to crosslink to localized contents.


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