

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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The Content Server does not create a separate internal Spring application context anymore to load its blob store configuration. Instead, custom media stores and media store selectors must be configured at the Content Server's Spring application context in the same way as Spring beans for other CoreMedia applications are configured. This change also makes it possible to use standard Spring Boot features to set configuration properties, for example to specify blob store paths from environment variables.

Spring bean definitions are not loaded from the following locations anymore:

  • classpath*:/framework/spring/blobstore/*/blobstore.xml

  • <coremHome>/config/contentserver/spring/blobstore/*.xml

Spring properties are not loaded from the following location anymore:

  • <coremHome>/config/contentserver/spring/blobstore*/*.properties

Make sure to add all your custom bean definitions and properties from these obsolete locations to the Content Server's Spring application context. For example, you could configure custom beans and properties in META-INF/coremedia/component-<name>.xml and META-INF/coremedia/component-<name>.properties files.

If you've customized the blob storage, you can verify the configuration by looking at the Content Server log. When started, the Content Server logs lists of media stores and media store selectors as INFO messages "Configured media stores" and "Configured media store selectors". Make sure to verify the order of custom media store selectors in the log output.


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