

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Due to a security vulnerability in GraphQL-Java, it was necessary to upgrade the GraphQL-Java version of CM10 - 2107 LTS. If a customer uses only persisted queries, they should be unaffected by the vulnerability.

The upgrade to com.graphql-java:graphql-java:19.2 did include several (potential) breaking changes in case a customer customized the headless server:

  • When implementing multiple interfaces in a schema, the new syntax requires an "&" symbol instead of a ","

  • The public API CoreMedia class CacheMapWrapper , used for the dataloader cache was revoked due to breaking changes in the dataloader API. The dataloader cache is now created using the updated dataloader API only. (see CaasConfig )

  • All filter predicates now have to implement the FilterPredicate interface instead of the Predicate interface. Otherwise they will be ignored!

  • The class ContextHolder was removed. Thus, access to context variables via the ContextHolder does not work anymore. Instead access to context variables is provided via the new GraphQLContext class and the DataFetchingEnvironment .

  • The new interface DataFetchingEnvironmentAware was introduced, which declares an adapter to require a graphql environment. Because of this, the affected adapters require now an additional environment parameter. The adapters are:

    • SearchServiceAdapter, AbstractDynamicListAdapter, ByPathAdapter, PageGridAdapter, PageGridPlacementAdapter, PageGridRowAdapter, QueryListAdapter, LinkListAdapter and SearchServiceAdapter .

  • The methods validFromQuery(String validFromFieldName) and validFromPastToValueQuery(String fieldName) in SearchQueryHelper were removed, since due to the refactoring of the ContextHolder , it was no longer possible to support those methods. Use validFromPastToValueQuery(String fieldName, ZonedDateTime value) and validFromValueToFutureQuery(String fieldName, ZonedDateTime value) instead

Furthermore, an overview of all changes implemented in GraphQL-Java can be found in the original release notes:


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