

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Removal: Deprecated Headless API for Commerce Entities

The old commerce schema extension of the CoreMedia Headless Server was deprecated in 2101 and is now removed.

Follow Section, “Removal: Deprecated Headless API for Commerce Entities” for upgrade information.


Aligned Behavior of StructAdapter to Same as in SettingsAdapter

When querying for a settings path via StructAdapter, the behavior varied from the one implemented in SettingsAdapter. The behavior of the StructAdapter was now aligned to the behavior of the SettingsAdapter. The documentation was updated accordingly.


Default Java heap for Headless Server reset to 1 GB in Dockerfile

This change only affects customers coming from CoreMedia versions 2101.1, 2101.2 and 2101.3 who use the Docker deployment. The default Java heap for the Headless Server has been reset from 2048m to 1024m in the Dockerfile of the Headless Server. The Java heap can, but does not have to be increased for performance optimization.


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