

Release Notes / Version 10.2107
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Studio Client Remote Bean Layer Without ExtJs Dependencies

We cleansed the Studio client remote bean layer of all ExtJs dependencies. this affects the modules client-core, client-core-impl, client-core-test-helper, cap-rest-client, cap-rest-client-impl, cap-rest-client-test-helper.

In order todo so, we changed the following API (some of it public, some not public but potentially in use):

  • PropertyChangedEvent is now (as the documentation has always stated) only available for Beans and no longer works for Ext.Component.

  • The PreviewPanelBase event "previewUrl" no longer provides a PropertyChangeEvent but instread provides the two parameters "oldValue" and "newValue".

  • RemoteBeanImpl#onWriteSuccess now has two parameters of type Response and RequestInit.

  • BeanImpl no longer inherits from ExtJs' Observable but from the new SimpleObservable. Instead of BeanImpl#hasAnyListeners(), use BeanImpl#hasListeners().

  • Instead of DependencyTracker#dependOnObservable(observable:IObservable, eventName:String), use ObservableUtil#dependOn(observable:IObservable, eventName:String).

  • Instead of DependencyTracker#dependOnFieldValue(field:BaseField), use ObservableUtil#dependOnFieldValue(field:BaseField).

  • EventUtil was moved into the module ui-components but it has kept its previous package.

  • The class com-coremedia.ui.i18n.ResourceBundle was moved to the module ui-components. It has kept its previous package but was renamed to ResourceBundleUtil.

  • The methods AsyncObserver#start() and AsyncObserver#stop() where removed from the API-

Another change is that the Studio client now always transforms Date values into Calendar values in REST requests. On the Studio server side, DateConverter#convertToCalendar() can be used to unmarshal the value.


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